Pegasus Stables, KY
Home of Peg's Therapeutic Ponies, Inc.
& Rocky Mountain horses


Characteristics of a good volunteer include:
Reliable - Be regular in attendance or make provisions for a reliable substitute.
Punctual - Late arrival can be very frustrating for the student who has looked forward to their weekly ride.
Physically fit
Alert - Despite your outward relaxation, always anticipate and unexpected emergency.
Empathetic - It is important to have genuine regard toward the rider.
Patient - Endless patience is necessary to adjust to the slow movements and reactions of severely disabled students.
Relaxed - An anxious volunteer contributes to a nervous rider and tense mount.
Horse knowledgable - Horse experience and knowledge is helpful but not necessary.

Peg's Therapeutic Ponies, Inc. would not succeed without the help of volunteers. Vounteering at Pegasus Stables is easy and rewarding. Help is needed in every aspect of our program including Leaders, sidewalkers, administrative & office, and horse and barn care. Some of the responsibilities include: retrieving and returning the horse to/from the stall, assisting the rider in grooming, washing off or sponging down the horse on hot summer days, tacking and un-tacking the horse, assisting the rider in mounting and dismounting and staying focused and on task, and assisting the rider in carrying out instructions. If working outside with the horses is not of interest, administrative & office assistance is needed also.
Peg's Therapeutic Ponies not only changes the lives of its students,
it changes the lives of its volunteers.